October 21, 2014

Short $PSQ, long $KMB

$KMB looks good today, and the $QQQ is closing in on it's stop, only about 1% away. I'm going to take some risk on it in order to flatten my holdings a bit and round out my shorts to cover most of the market. This now gives me a short position in $IWM $SPY and $QQQ. 

All five of my new positions from this mornings open are up ($AAP possibly not), but $KO and $LMT got hit. $KO seems a likely exit, though it's now close to possible support. $LMT is fighting back.

 $ROST would have been great to get at the actual opening price, but in one of the rare occasions that my IB order did not get filled at the open price, I instead got in above 78.

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