September 04, 2014

Exiting $NIB (Cocoa), $PCLN (Priceline), and $APA (Apache), entering $RAI

Despite a tepid market and three exits, the portfolio made slight gains today.  However, today was set to be a very bullish signal that was doused by a reversal into negative territory for the overall market.  For example, I was ready to enter $GOOGL (Google) on a potential breakout, but the fade today has prevented that.  I'm also still waiting on $AMZN (Amazon) to break from it's downtrend.

$RAI (Reynold's) however, is interesting.  It's 45-day moving average has held significant sway over it's course either above or below it.  It's strongly broken above that, and held on.  It's last low was at the 138-day, and that will be our initial stop.

I've also gone through several holdings and improved their SMA stops when they were double digits above the current stop level, as that's a risk I do not want to take on outside of highly volatile names.

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